
Make a Pledge

Use our secure online form to enter your pledge for 2025.

Donate Online and/or Setup Pledge Payments

Click here to set up a one-time or recurring gift to Christ Church.

Other Ways to Give

Give a donation of stock or other equity through our Edwards Jones account representative. Contact the church office at 603-772-3332 for a form and mail the form to:

EXETER, NH 03833

Why should I give financially to Christ Church?

Why should I give financially to Christ Church?

Giving is a central Christian practice.  Christian stewardship is everything we do after we say we believe. This includes what we do with our financial resources. We return to God a portion of what we have received, recognizing that all we are and all we have is a gift from God. The Biblical portion is a tithe (10%) of our income. You can choose whatever percentage makes the most sense for you.

Giving supports the Christ Church community.  

We are created in the image of God to be co-creators of our community of faith. We each bear a responsibility to ensure that Christ Church remains vital and strong. Pledging is the primary way we fund our ministries. Full participation is essential for Christ Church to re-create itself into a new commons for a new century.

Giving helps other people in need. 

We bear a responsibility for the world around us. What we pledge supports people and organizations beyond Christ Church: through the work of the clergy and staff, through the use of our building, and through the outreach ministries, we support.

Giving focuses on our priorities. 

Jesus calls us to focus on giving ourselves to the things that matter. Many of us lead very busy lives. Yet so much of what we do may not be central to who we are. What matters to you? If Christ Church is on that list, fill out a pledge form and support the community.

How much should I give?

Only you know what you can give. The dollar amount is not the most important detail of your pledge. We want you to participate. We want you to do the best you can. We understand that we live in uncertain economic times. In the past, our annual pledges range from $52 to $18,200. You can give less, more, or something in between. What we’re hoping for is full participation. Pledge the best you can, but please pledge something.

Planned Giving and Endowment

Giving to the Endowment Fund

In December 2014 the Vestry took an important step after nearly a year of study and created a new Endowment Fund and set proper gift acceptance and spending policies. The creation of these documents was important to demonstrate to all who might want to give to Christ Church that we have the proper mechanisms and safeguards to care for these donated funds well into the future. In 2015 we received a generous $100,000 from a faithful member that seeded this new fund. 

The income from this new Endowment Fund will be limited to capital improvements, developing new ministries, outreach ministries, and special projects. 

If you are making a Will or updating financial or estate plans and you would like to support God’s work in Exeter and the wider church and community, please reach out to the Rector, Senior Warden or a member of the Endowment Board: Tom Kelsey, the Rev. William Wade, and Chrissy Dube. 

Altar Flowers

The Flower Sign Up

The Flower Sign up hangs in the Narthex, or entry hall of the church. Please add your name to a given Sunday or contact the office. The cost for the flowers is $45.00, and checks may be made out to Christ Church. Please put “Altar Flowers” in the memo section of your check, and email Darla Watt or call at 772-3332 to let her know how you would like it worded in the bulletin (no later than the Wednesday before). More than one family may share flowers each week. Thank you.


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