Online Giving

Make a one-time or a recurring donation to Christ Church, Exeter using the below form. You can set your gift to recur on the schedule of your choice and end when you would like.

Want to update or increase your pledge at the beginning of the year?  You can update your payment method or cancel your gift at any time by following the link provided in the receipt email when you first set up your giving. 

Further explanation: When a recurring donor makes a payment, you get a receipt which includes a link to log in to your account at GivingTools.

You can log in to at any time. If you do not know your password, you can reset it there.  

At GivingTools, you can cancel a current recurring gift and make a new one. 

Alternately, if you just wish to give more and your current recurring gift has no end date specified, you can just give an additional gift to make up the difference. 

All major credit cards and direct bank transfers are supported for your convenience. You will be given the option to pay the processing fee, which will save the church valuable funds that we can use to support our mission and ministry.

Select as many opportunities as you wish below: 

Form secured by GivingTools online giving.